In contemporary devotional pictures and posters of Guru Nanak (1469-1539), as seen in taxis and shops, the Guru is invariably shown as wearing a pagari or turban, like his pupils (Sikh-s) today. But this is a recently-imposed convention, not followed in his own day and in subsequent centuries.
In traditional paintings, the Gurus never wore turbans, a custom that even according to Sikh teaching itself was only instituted by the tenth and last Guru, Govind Singh, in 1699. All the Gurus are typically shown as wearing a topi (Hindu-style cap) and patka (sash). We discuss one instance.
K.C. Aryan (born 11 August 1919, died 2002), a Partition refugee from West Panjab, was an accomplished painter. He founded the Museum for Tribal and Folk Art in Gurgaon, still functioning today. He saved plenty of old paintings, sculptures and other arts & crafts objects for posterity by collecting them in his museum or donating them to more established institutions.
In 1970, he presented to the publishing unit of Punjabi University Patiala a manuscript with illustrations for a book, 100 Years Survey of Panjab Painting (1841-1941). It was eventually published by the PUP in 1975, but only in mutilated form. The Senate Board of the University objected to the inclusion of one particular painting, and threatened that if it were published, the grant for the whole publishing unit would be stopped.
The contentious painting, executed by a Pahari painter in the mid-19th century (whose name, as often in folk art, remains unknown), shows a topi-wearing Guru Nanak praying to Lord Vishnu. The Board took the Sikh-separatist line that that Sikhism has nothing to do with Hinduism, and that the Gurus are above the “Brahminical” gods. It is the same line that keeps the Sikh establishment from calling their central shrine, the Hari Mandir (“Vishnu temple”), by its proper name, hiding it behind the superficial designation “Golden Temple” or the Moghul term “Darbar Sahib”. It is also why in 1922 they threw out from the Hari Mandir the murti-s that had been worshipped there ever since Arjan Dev inaugurated it in 1604. Sikh identity as a separate religion, rather than as one of the many panth-s in the Hindu commonwealth, is based on a denial of history, and this requires a constant censoring of unwilling historical data: names changed, scriptures doctored, murti-s thrown away, the publication of a painting suppressed.
K.C. Aryan donated the painting in ca. 1982 to the Himachal State Museum in Shimla. There, it is significantly not on display but kept in storage. That is, if it has not been lost or illegally sold by some babu unconcerned with art and heritage; or somehow eliminated by one with Khalistani.leanings eager to destroy the evidence for an inconvenient fact: that Guru Nanak was every inch a Hindu.
Truth is more important than dogmas. Thanks for unveiling one true instance.
A truly amazing revelation I must say. I await thousands of such truths to be revealed by you.
Though you inform the public it is left to us to carry this forward and utilize it for the benefit of dharma.
Thank you sir. Bedankt
Sir, what a coincidence I am reading History of the Sikhs by Khushwant Singh and he alludes to it but does not openly come out or probably does. In any case your observation is 110% correct. In fact the 10th guru Guru Gobind Singh created the Khalsa a band of pure warriors. I guess in later years all people following Guru Nanaks teaching started growing beards and wearing long hair.
I think, particularly in 20th century, the Sikhs started giving semitic shades, in particular, islamic, to Sikhism for political reasons. Granth Sahib is replete with reference to Hari, Ram, Parabrahma etc,occurring hundreds of times. Even Khushwanth Singh admits that Wahe guru occurs only about six times! But, for people out to doctor history and use religion as political tool, historical truths are inconvenient nuisances.
Dr. Elst,
Thanks for bringing this fact out.
Shrivathsa. B.
This is an excellent example of a subject that appears esoteric and marginal to most, but which has profound and very broad implications.
Thank you Mr. Elst for your erudite posts. These are rare gems to be treasured. Pl write most often on the contemporary issues in Indian specifically Hindu society.
Nanak was as much a Hindu as Jesus was a Jew !
Hindu simply means Indian/ Hind meaning India. Therefore we must understand that all religions born, preached, and propagated from India are part and parcel of the collective-name Hindu religion, or Indian religion. If Guru nanak had been born in Israel or Arabia obviously Sikhism would not have been Hinduism.
Is it difficult for some people to understand that Hind, India etc are all names given by forreign invaders to our country Bharat, and all Indians were collectively called Hindus? Sikhism is not Vaishnavim or Shaivism, but it is definitely Hinduism or an Indiuan religion, in other words. Comprehendo?
It is really surprising that all groups in India want to reinforce and re-emphasize their separateness with other groups. What a contrast with the rest of the world (developed) where it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between a Japanese and and and American teenager. On the one hand some people dream of one world and try to find, reinforce and emphasize similarities between differnt groups, and on the other we have mad mullahs (some pundits also) who go against this trend.
Guru Nanakji was certainly a Hindu. "Rama Nama binu birathe jagi janama" (life is fruitless without Rama's Name)..Can a non-Hindu write this? His teachings are very similar to Sant Kabir's. Now Sant Kabir cannot be thought of as half-muslim as a half-muslim is no muslim..Also Kabir's writings are replete with Hindu diety names though he favored worship of Nirguna Brahman.
"It is really surprising that all groups in India want to reinforce and re-emphasize their separateness with other groups"
They have spent a lot of efforts and monies to this manufacture of 'seperateness' . In this case, it started right after the fall of the SIKH empire.
Heard about a publication titled "Hum Hindu nahin hain" by a Sikh ideologue purportedly written to rebut an earlier one titled "Hum Hindu hain". There is longstanding debate about the authenticity of "Dasham Granth" (compiled writings of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru) the granth is replete with references to Hindu pantheon.
It bears repetition.. "They have spent a lot of efforts and monies to this manufacture of 'seperateness'. In this case, it started right after the fall of the SIKH empire." The divide and rule tactic deserves to be studied and documented.
ridiculous non-sense and its obvious that anyone that says otherwise, has there post removed. Maybe you should actually read the guru granth sahib and other sikh texts and see that when hindu dieties and scripts are mentioned, it is often to critisize them. And for everyone saying that guru nanak was a hindu, keep dreaming. I leave you with a quote from guru nanak dev ji: "I am no Hindu, I am no Mussulman"
Here are actually quotes from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, for anyone wanting the truth.
There are four castes of Hindus and four sects of Muslims in the world
The members of both religions are selfish, jealous, proud, bigoted and violent.
The Hindus make pilgrimage to Hardvar and Banaras, the Muslim to the Kaaba of Mecca.
Circumcision is dear to the Muslims, sandal mark (tilak) and sacred thread to the Hindus.
The Hindus invoke Ram, the Muslims, Rahim, but in reality there is only One God.
Since they have forgotten the Vedas and the Katebas, worldly greed and devil have led them astray.
Truth hidden from both; the brahmins and maulvis kill one another by their animosities.
Neither sect shall find liberation from transmigration. (Guru Nanak dev Ji.)
great post
Param Shakti Peeth
I don't understand why Hindu supremacists are always so eager to say Guru Nanak was a Hindu. Nanak preached that all religions are one so calling him Hindu just because he took birth in a Hindu family is foolish. Nanak and all Sikh Gurus were unifier of all religions including Islam and Hinduism.
A great discussion. thank you for sharing this great info about guru nanak.
Metaphysical degree
Metaphysical classes
Metaphysics university
Metaphysics school
First of all,Hinduism is no religion,its a geographical term.It has no particular book,no particular prophet.So its stupid to think guru Nanak was Hindu.Yes he was inhabitant of Hindustan.
But there is common similarity between guru Nanaks path and path of all the paths of Hindustan.We all are seekers of liberation and not god.And we believe there are several paths to that.Guru Nanak's was one path.Call liberation as sanatan or universal dharma,in that sense we all are same but if you call guru Nanak as follower of Vishnu or brand him under Hinduism,you are misguided and stupid.You have to see his teachings to realise he didn't want people to waste time in trinity,I.e. bhrahma Vishnu,mahesh and understand they are basically different representation of same power,which he called waheguru.!You are wasting your time trying to brand him under Hinduism or any other brand.He was for liberation and anti brand.
Respected Mr. Koenraad Elst. I am not agree with your text. Yes Guru Nanak Ji born in Hindu family. but he started his own Panth. Is it possible to say milk to Makhan or ghee . Yes their origin is milk. When guru Ji says Ram it is a reference for waheguru supreme Lord. Who has created These three and then through them this universe. half knowledge is harmful.
Dear my lovely friends U will get all answers in our japji sahib, in 34-35 pauri he had mention there are so many Krishna, so many shiva of different galaxies(millions of them) but all are subjected to One Almighty we call akaal purukh Waheguru, Christian say Lord, Hindu says Brahman, Muslims say Allah.
Our Gurus used those all words Ram,Shiva, so that one can understand. thats All...
Any Doubts Read only JAPJI SAHIB.
This painting is imaginary because in this picture Guru Nanak Dev ji wearing Black Gaatraa across hi Upper body..Which he doesnot wear....Okay if you wish to believe you can then see If a person who had reached Vishnu seen God can't be a normal man he is Superior and If a man who is Superior who has started new religion there must be a reason......
Shiv ji = Jatadhari
Hanumaan ji = Kunchit Kesa
Krishna = keshav
Jesus Christ = Had Kesh (uncut long hair)
Guru Nanak Dev ji = Had kesh (uncut long hair)
Prophet Muhammad = Had long hairs
Gautama Buddha = when he took sanyas he had removed his beautiful hair but when he got enlightenment he also keep his hairs...
A Guru will always be above.
Even lord Ram obeys Guru (Vishwamitra when manupulated by Narad Muni) for his wish he was ready to kill Hanuman ji.
By true Guru God can be realised (Gur parsad) whatever religion there is Guru will always be Superior.
A person who had realised god will automatically stop cutting hair...
Hairs have main role in absorbing cosmic earth have trees so does human body..we have all elements in our body...
What are the main purpose of each religion :-
Obey God
Have compassion
Have Faith
Be Kind
Don't harm anyone.
Dear my lovely friends U will get all answers in our japji sahib, in 34-35 pauri he had mention there are so many Krishna, so many shiva of different galaxies(millions of them) but all are subjected to One Almighty we call akaal purukh Waheguru, Christian say Lord, Hindu says Brahman, Muslims say Allah.
Our Gurus used those all words Ram,Shiva, so that one can understand. thats All...
Any Doubts Read only JAPJI SAHIB.
This painting is imaginary because in this picture Guru Nanak Dev ji wearing Black Gaatraa across hi Upper body..Which he doesnot wear....Okay if you wish to believe you can then see If a person who had reached Vishnu seen God can't be a normal man he is Superior and If a man who is Superior who has started new religion there must be a reason......
Shiv ji = Jatadhari
Hanumaan ji = Kunchit Kesa
Krishna = keshav
Jesus Christ = Had Kesh (uncut long hair)
Guru Nanak Dev ji = Had kesh (uncut long hair)
Prophet Muhammad = Had long hairs
Gautama Buddha = when he took sanyas he had removed his beautiful hair but when he got enlightenment he also keep his hairs...
A Guru will always be above.
Even lord Ram obeys Guru (Vishwamitra when manupulated by Narad Muni) for his wish he was ready to kill Hanuman ji.
By true Guru God can be realised (Gur parsad) whatever religion there is Guru will always be Superior.
A person who had realised god will automatically stop cutting hair...
Hairs have main role in absorbing cosmic earth have trees so does human body..we have all elements in our body...
What are the main purpose of each religion :-
Obey God
Have compassion for all
Have Faith
Be Kind
Don't harm anyone.
Dear my lovely friends U will get all answers in our japji sahib, in 34-35 pauri he had mention there are so many Krishna, so many shiva of different galaxies(millions of them) but all are subjected to One Almighty we call akaal purukh Waheguru, Christian say Lord, Hindu says Brahman, Muslims say Allah.
Our Gurus used those all words Ram,Shiva, so that one can understand. thats All...
Any Doubts Read only JAPJI SAHIB.
This painting is imaginary because in this picture Guru Nanak Dev ji wearing Black Gaatraa across hi Upper body..Which he doesnot wear....Okay if you wish to believe you can then see If a person who had reached Vishnu seen God can't be a normal man he is Superior and If a man who is Superior who has started new religion there must be a reason......
Shiv ji = Jatadhari
Hanumaan ji = Kunchit Kesa
Krishna = keshav
Jesus Christ = Had Kesh (uncut long hair)
Guru Nanak Dev ji = Had kesh (uncut long hair)
Prophet Muhammad = Had long hairs
Gautama Buddha = when he took sanyas he had removed his beautiful hair but when he got enlightenment he also keep his hairs...
A Guru will always be above.
Even lord Ram obeys Guru (Vishwamitra when manupulated by Narad Muni) for his wish he was ready to kill Hanuman ji.
By true Guru God can be realised (Gur parsad) whatever religion there is Guru will always be Superior.
A person who had realised god will automatically stop cutting hair...
Hairs have main role in absorbing cosmic earth have trees so does human body..we have all elements in our body...
What are the main purpose of each religion :-
Obey God
Have compassion for all
Have Faith
Be Kind
Don't harm anyone.
Dear my lovely friends U will get all answers in our japji sahib, in 34-35 pauri he had mention there are so many Krishna, so many shiva of different galaxies(millions of them) but all are subjected to One Almighty we call akaal purukh Waheguru, Christian say Lord, Hindu says Brahman, Muslims say Allah.
Our Gurus used those all words Ram,Shiva, so that one can understand. thats All...
Any Doubts Read only JAPJI SAHIB.
This painting is imaginary because in this picture Guru Nanak Dev ji wearing Black Gaatraa across hi Upper body..Which he doesnot wear....Okay if you wish to believe you can then see If a person who had reached Vishnu seen God can't be a normal man he is Superior and If a man who is Superior who has started new religion there must be a reason......
Shiv ji = Jatadhari
Hanumaan ji = Kunchit Kesa
Krishna = keshav
Jesus Christ = Had Kesh (uncut long hair)
Guru Nanak Dev ji = Had kesh (uncut long hair)
Prophet Muhammad = Had long hairs
Gautama Buddha = when he took sanyas he had removed his beautiful hair but when he got enlightenment he also keep his hairs...
A Guru will always be above.
Even lord Ram obeys Guru (Vishwamitra when manupulated by Narad Muni) for his wish he was ready to kill Hanuman ji.
By true Guru God can be realised (Gur parsad) whatever religion there is Guru will always be Superior.
A person who had realised god will automatically stop cutting hair...
Hairs have main role in absorbing cosmic earth have trees so does human body..we have all elements in our body...
What are the main purpose of each religion :-
Obey God
Have compassion for all
Have Faith
Be Kind
Don't harm anyone.
Dear my lovely friends U will get all answers in our japji sahib, in 34-35 pauri he had mention there are so many Krishna, so many shiva of different galaxies(millions of them) but all are subjected to One Almighty we call akaal purukh Waheguru, Christian say Lord, Hindu says Brahman, Muslims say Allah.
Our Gurus used those all words Ram,Shiva, so that one can understand. thats All...
Any Doubts Read only JAPJI SAHIB.
This painting is imaginary because in this picture Guru Nanak Dev ji wearing Black Gaatraa across hi Upper body..Which he doesnot wear....Okay if you wish to believe you can then see If a person who had reached Vishnu seen God can't be a normal man he is Superior and If a man who is Superior who has started new religion there must be a reason......
Shiv ji = Jatadhari
Hanumaan ji = Kunchit Kesa
Krishna = keshav
Jesus Christ = Had Kesh (uncut long hair)
Guru Nanak Dev ji = Had kesh (uncut long hair)
Prophet Muhammad = Had long hairs
Gautama Buddha = when he took sanyas he had removed his beautiful hair but when he got enlightenment he also keep his hairs...
A Guru will always be above.
Even lord Ram obeys Guru (Vishwamitra when manupulated by Narad Muni) for his wish he was ready to kill Hanuman ji.
By true Guru God can be realised (Gur parsad) whatever religion there is Guru will always be Superior.
A person who had realised god will automatically stop cutting hair...
Hairs have main role in absorbing cosmic earth have trees so does human body..we have all elements in our body...
What are the main purpose of each religion :-
Obey God
Have compassion for all
Have Faith
Be Kind
Don't harm anyone.
Dear my lovely friends U will get all answers in our japji sahib, in 34-35 pauri he had mention there are so many Krishna, so many shiva of different galaxies(millions of them) but all are subjected to One Almighty we call akaal purukh Waheguru, Christian say Lord, Hindu says Brahman, Muslims say Allah.
Our Gurus used those all words Ram,Shiva, so that one can understand. thats All...
Any Doubts Read only JAPJI SAHIB.
This painting is imaginary because in this picture Guru Nanak Dev ji wearing Black Gaatraa across hi Upper body..Which he doesnot wear....Okay if you wish to believe you can then see If a person who had reached Vishnu seen God can't be a normal man he is Superior and If a man who is Superior who has started new religion there must be a reason......
Shiv ji = Jatadhari
Hanumaan ji = Kunchit Kesa
Krishna = keshav
Jesus Christ = Had Kesh (uncut long hair)
Guru Nanak Dev ji = Had kesh (uncut long hair)
Prophet Muhammad = Had long hairs
Gautama Buddha = when he took sanyas he had removed his beautiful hair but when he got enlightenment he also keep his hairs...
A Guru will always be above.
Even lord Ram obeys Guru (Vishwamitra when manupulated by Narad Muni) for his wish he was ready to kill Hanuman ji.
By true Guru God can be realised (Gur parsad) whatever religion there is Guru will always be Superior.
A person who had realised god will automatically stop cutting hair...
Hairs have main role in absorbing cosmic earth have trees so does human body..we have all elements in our body...
What are the main purpose of each religion :-
Obey God
Have compassion for all
Have Faith
Be Kind
Don't harm anyone.
Dear my lovely friends U will get all answers in our japji sahib, in 34-35 pauri he had mention there are so many Krishna, so many shiva of different galaxies(millions of them) but all are subjected to One Almighty we call akaal purukh Waheguru, Christian say Lord, Hindu says Brahman, Muslims say Allah.
Our Gurus used those all words Ram,Shiva, so that one can understand. thats All...
Any Doubts Read only JAPJI SAHIB.
This painting is imaginary because in this picture Guru Nanak Dev ji wearing Black Gaatraa across hi Upper body..Which he doesnot wear....Okay if you wish to believe you can then see If a person who had reached Vishnu seen God can't be a normal man he is Superior and If a man who is Superior who has started new religion there must be a reason......
Shiv ji = Jatadhari
Hanumaan ji = Kunchit Kesa
Krishna = keshav
Jesus Christ = Had Kesh (uncut long hair)
Guru Nanak Dev ji = Had kesh (uncut long hair)
Prophet Muhammad = Had long hairs
Gautama Buddha = when he took sanyas he had removed his beautiful hair but when he got enlightenment he also keep his hairs...
A Guru will always be above.
Even lord Ram obeys Guru (Vishwamitra when manupulated by Narad Muni) for his wish he was ready to kill Hanuman ji.
By true Guru God can be realised (Gur parsad) whatever religion there is Guru will always be Superior.
A person who had realised god will automatically stop cutting hair...
Hairs have main role in absorbing cosmic earth have trees so does human body..we have all elements in our body...
What are the main purpose of each religion :-
Obey God
Have compassion for all
Have Faith
Be Kind
Don't harm anyone.
Dear my lovely friends U will get all answers in our japji sahib, in 34-35 pauri he had mention there are so many Krishna, so many shiva of different galaxies(millions of them) but all are subjected to One Almighty we call akaal purukh Waheguru, Christian say Lord, Hindu says Brahman, Muslims say Allah.
Our Gurus used those all words Ram,Shiva, so that one can understand. thats All...
Any Doubts Read only JAPJI SAHIB.
This painting is imaginary because in this picture Guru Nanak Dev ji wearing Black Gaatraa across hi Upper body..Which he doesnot wear....Okay if you wish to believe you can then see If a person who had reached Vishnu seen God can't be a normal man he is Superior and If a man who is Superior who has started new religion there must be a reason......
Shiv ji = Jatadhari
Hanumaan ji = Kunchit Kesa
Krishna = keshav
Jesus Christ = Had Kesh (uncut long hair)
Guru Nanak Dev ji = Had kesh (uncut long hair)
Prophet Muhammad = Had long hairs
Gautama Buddha = when he took sanyas he had removed his beautiful hair but when he got enlightenment he also keep his hairs...
A Guru will always be above.
Even lord Ram obeys Guru (Vishwamitra when manupulated by Narad Muni) for his wish he was ready to kill Hanuman ji.
By true Guru God can be realised (Gur parsad) whatever religion there is Guru will always be Superior.
A person who had realised god will automatically stop cutting hair...
Hairs have main role in absorbing cosmic earth have trees so does human body..we have all elements in our body...
What are the main purpose of each religion :-
Obey God
Have compassion for all
Have Faith
Be Kind
Don't harm anyone.
Like a lot of "well known" quotes, the quote by Nanak that "I am not a Hindu, not a Mussulman" is false. No one can actually point to a verifiable reference.
As far as saying "I am Hindu", we know for sure that Guru Tegh Bahadur said 'I am a Hindu, my dharma is the best' when presented to the Muslims. We know that Guru Govind said "Jage Dharam Hindu' in his writings. We know he composed Ram-avtaar. Inspite of all this, the Singh Sabha movement did its best to convince Sikhs that they are non-Hindus. OK, live with that delusion, what can anyone do. Just remember that till the last Guru, they thought they were very much Hindus. So it is today's Sikhs that have left their teachings behind and followed those of the Singh Sabha movement.
First of all, I do not want to comment on this unnecessary debate on whether "Guru Nanak ji was a Hindu / not Hindu". My comment here is only regarding whether he was wearing a topi or turban.
In 1963, a picture was printed in an Urdu daily of Delhi, that was a portrait of Guru ji as drawn by a local artist while he was sitting and talking to people in Baghdad. This was from the original portrait then kept in Baghdad Museum (hopefully it is still there unless destroyed when ISIS plundered the museum). My brother saw the picture, showed it to me and asked me to draw the picture which I did. (I happen to be an amateur & unknown artist since 1950) My brother then got it framed and hung it prominently on the wall in his flat.
In this portrait Guru ji is clearly seen wearing a turban, not in the modern Sikh style but like I have seen elderly Sikh and Hindu gentlemen wearing it in 1930s & 40s. In fact I remember my own father wearing it like this. Since it was in black & white, we do not know the colour of his turban and other apparel. To me this is the only authentic picture of Guru Nanak Dev ji; all others we see everywhere are artists' imaginations.
My brother passed on in 1967. Finally in 1999 my daughter brought it and gave it to me It has been with me since then and is right before me as I type this comment. Thank you all.
God bless you.
Absolutely right. Guru Nanak Dev started a new religion, which is deemed to be equivalent of Sanatan Dharm. Hindu & Hinduism are political entities, in response to which Khalsa Panth was created by the tenth Guru. Khalsa identity, similarly has nothing or very little to do with religion. As Hinduism thrives by strangulating Sanatan Dharm and feeds on it like a vampire, exact same is being done by Khalsa Panth to the Sikh religion. Hindus must kill Hinduism if they want to regain the nectar & glory of Sanatan Dharm. Similarly, Sikhs must kill the Khalsa Panth if they wish to plunge into the nectar of Sikh religion. But here is the catch: Hindu must deliver the first blow to Hinduism when Khalsa identity has received at least three blows at the hands of Sikh community & vice versa!
Dear brother,
Hindus became Jains
Hindus became Buddhist
Hindus became Sikhs
Hindus were converted into Muslims
Hindus were converted into Christians..
In short Hinduism is not a religion were you become or convert into a Hindu
Hinduism is a way of life...jainaism is a way of life Buddhism is a way of life and sikhism is also a way of life.
Since Hinduism is a way of life and it allows everyone to follow their own way of life as they like want and encourages to become a seeker rather than a believer.
A seeker is in search of the ultimate truth and he is acceptable to every Hindu if he finds a easy way to realise the ultimate god in which ever form...either Nirgun or Sargun
Japji sahib says ...he is Niraakar Nirgun and he is also sargun i.e Vishnu ,Brahma, Mahesh..and Durga.
Trinity and Durga are the form of the formless lord..
Japji sahib says...the way to Mukti is bhakti of Niraakar Nirgun
Jain says the same and buddist say the same...
Hinduism doesnot stops someone from doing bhakti of a Murti or a stone for a reason that it is also a way to reach a formless God as god particle is also in a stone....Infact formless God is in every form..Niraakar/Sirgun
The problem starts when people start fighting that my god is superior to yours....Vishnu is superior to Shankar and vise versa..
It's than when people forget the true Ishwar and get divided into proving who is superior...and religious and political leaders in every era take advantage of this to rule and for power by further encouraging people to fight among each other..
Now coming back to religion
Religion is a group of believers.
They are not seeker's
Believers are organised...a cult..which believe it's their god and no other..
They are the best and the chosen one..
Also believers or an organised religion has a ritual of baptism...This baptism system was captured by Pandits (jainaiu) and made their own to have control of power through superiority..
The Jews followed, Christians followed and so did Muslims and later Khalsa.
Jews and Christians have a ritual to taste holy water when the child is born and he has to be baptised to be a Jew or a Christian.
Muslim had to be circumstised and baptised to become a Muslim..
And Khalsa has to do Amrit chakhna and have 5 K's that is has to baptised to become a Khalsa..
The reason Hinduism, Jainism , Buddhism or sikhism have no such rituals...
Guru Nanak devji who was born into a Bedi family refused to have the ritual of jainaiu organised by his father..
Way of life has roots of secularism in its roots...
Hindus did not hate Jains...Infact they accepted their way of life and even became followers of jain Thirthankar
Hindus did not kill buddist, they accepted Buddha's way of life and also became his followers..
Hindus did not hate guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Hindus accepted his way of life and god god realisation and became his Sikhs..
Regarding cut was always a part of Hinduism since satyug...every one wether a Brahmin or a khsatriya kept Keshi...Ram or Krishna
Vishwamitra or drona charya..
Buddha after god realisation kept keshi because on enlightenment he realised that to realise god he need not had to go to jungle...god was equally realised living in this sansaar by the way of detachment...
Mahavir asked his followers to leave a sansaari family life and realise God.
Guru Nanak said the same thing later.
And concept of Sant Sipahi was started by Parshuram...he was a Sant/Brahmin and held weapons to stop exploitation of brahmins by khsatriya king..
Banda Bahadur kept Keshi before he became a Khalsa ...
Jains, buddist and Sikhs are different path or branches of seeker's belonging to Hindustan born and flourished in Hindustan.. Sikhs how much ever they try to call them selves different from Hindus...they would be only lying them selves and will remain away from the truth...
If Waheguru is one than how can they a Sikh different to a Hindu??
If Sikhs want to still call themselves different than they have to remove concept of 84 lakh jooni birth and death recycle..
Dear brother,
He also never said he is a Sikh š
All he said is everyone one who is a seeker...seeker of a truth...of a universal God is a Sikh/a student..
Sikh is a one who is eager to know the unknown.
And a Guru is a teacher who has realised an unknown that is Paramatma/Ishwar/Akaal purakh/Parbrahmn/Allah/God.
Either a God could be a guru or a god realised person can be a Guru..
Sikhism is a reformed version of Guru/Sishya paratha of Sanatan Dharma.
I would like to version 2.0
Yes Guru Nanak Dev Ji said No one is a Hindu No one is a Musalman we all are children of the same Waheguru...and now it's time that Waheguru send someone to say No one is Hindu, No one is a Musalman and no one is a Sikh/Khalsa...we all are children of the same God...
Khalistanis settled in UK, Canada and on the foreign lands have done and are still doing a a great dis service to the Guru's...and humanity by playing in the hands of Pakistan and seperatism politics...
Guru's teaching was to unite everyone, where as Khalistanis have brain washed their new generation and made them radical similiar to Muslims
Yes true
But my dear brother
Guru Nanak Dev Ji refused to wear a jainaiu and rejected the practice of baptism of his ancestors...
But than guru Gobind Singh Ji started ritual of Amrit chakhna and having 5 K's for a Khalsa??
Do you know why? Have you ever thought of it??
Also Sikh have their pilgrimage and believe that a Sikh has to visit golden golden, hazoor sahib, hemkund and recently Pakistan based Nankana Sikhs are also into Karam kand...
Hindus as in Sanatan Dharma never had any of the karamkand or rituals...but with the passage of time..from satyuga to kalyug..all this evils of Karam kand got into a Hindu way of life...
Guru Nanak and guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj were sent to Hindustan by Waheguru to bring back Hindus to their roots of Sanatan Dharma same as Ram and Krishna...and various enlightened souls before and after them..
Today Sikhs and Khalsa have fallen in the same trap of karmkaand and derailed from the path of Guru's š
But than why Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born into a Hindu family??
Why only Hindus became his Sikhs??
Guru Nanak could have been born Sikh?
Isn't he?
Why is it difficult for today's Sikh to accept that guru Nanak Dev Ji was a Hindu or born in Hindu family? Will that make them lesser??
Guru Nanak Dev Ji 2 sons are also not accepted my Sikhs and khalistanis why??
Because they were not Sikh or Khalsa??
Waheguru bless you for your ignoranceš
Everyone born in the region of Hindustan is a Hindu... Guru's were also not beyond it.
Hindu are from a region called Hindustan...same like Americans or Canadians or Britain's..
No Hindu followed an organised religion or panth...there were different ways of life and sikhism was one of that way..
Khalsa was an organised religion established by the 10th guru..
And many Hindus and Sikhs gave their eldest son to guru to form a Khalsa order to protect Hindustan from the invaders of the organised religion called Muslims... PERIOD
First of all try to read guru Granth Sahib and then made comments.... Paintings are Imaginary and sikh do not worships idols and paintings and why a stupid discussion on one painting read gurubani then clarify your mind
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