Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nietzsche and Mohammed

When Nietzsche started hearing voices, his career as philosopher ended. When Mohammed started hearing voices, his career as prophet began.


  1. A real aphorism! I didn't know that Nietsche in his madness heard voices, anyway it's an interesting comparison. The 'voices' and visions in prophecy are accepted as revelations from God or gods, then as Truth, in philosophy not, because reason is the guide (with some concession to intuition). But we cannot say that a prophet is a madman. It is reported that Muhammad at the beginning feared to have gone crazy, but gradually he could manage his prophetic experiences, and he was an able politician. Similarly, shamans at the first 'call' become like madmen, but they learn how to manage the 'spirits'. Also Rishis heard divine voices or received the divine word, according to Rigvedic hymns and Brhaddevata, even if the 'vision' is surely more important than 'hearing' in Vedic culture.

  2. Radha Rajan's "Eclipse of the Hindu Nation; Gandhi and his Freedom Struggle".


  3. Well usually when you start to hear voices everything it's done for you haha poor guy seriously.

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There is a video where a muslim scholar is stating that he 100% agree that prophet's name is mentioned in Bhavishya Purana. Ironically, that sound alike name is associated with an avatar of Tarakasura and he was given the order by Lord Bali, king of underworld ha ha. Bali is a great personality though and the original owner of flying horse Uchchaisharavas.
